Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When God writes your love story

I admit, I'm NBSB. Both S and I are. Maybe it's because of years in exclusive schools, or maybe we're just too idealistic.

Well, people aren't very nice when it comes to NBSBs especially our age. My cousin even said I should consult a psychologist co'z there must be something wrong with me (what the hell??) Well, dear, dear, dear, it only took one book to make me realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single!

Introducing the ultimate relationship guide; my personal love bible, "When God Writes Your Love Story"

This book is amazing, I tell you! This is one of the very few non-fiction, religious book I have ever enjoyed! It's no wonder a lot of people recommend reading this. For me it was an obsession to find the book as I thought it was a novel or something. I've been scouting for years for this book only to find it the least obvious of places: a bazaar. lol!

Nikki Gil also swears on this book. She is actually one of the reasons I really wanted to find a copy. She has this in her favorite books of all time and knowing Nikki's background, she's a very smart and sensible girl so her literary recommendations are worth checking out.

I tell you girls, this book is for everyone! It answers every single question about love, relationships, singlehood, and everything in between! Believe me! There's even a chapter on the issue of people having "high standards". Oooooohhhh! Interesting, interesting :)

I can't explain much further but trust me on this. If you see the book anywhere, get one! You will be needing it! It's the ultimate go to guide on relationships! Plus, it helps you understand God's ways too, which is definitely a plus for doubting Catholics!

If you aren't a believer yet, I leave you with the very first quote that struck me from the book (this is just the first, believe me there's a lot more!) :

"I am single because Christ alone is enough to make me whole"
-Leslie Ludy, WGWYLS

1 comment:

  1. Hi ching! I think so :) Saw it at Powerbooks before so I'm guessing NBS got it too but I'm not sure. Will tell you if I see it elsewhere :)


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