Monday, August 17, 2009

Brewing catfight?

Celebrity tweets are what's keeping the rumor mills alive in Hollywood nowadays. We've seen it start new friendships (as in the case of Demi Lovato and Hayley Williams) and even put ammo to gun wars like in Spencer Pratt's case and whoever it is he is currently at war with (he's always mad at someone). Well, I see there's a little "spark" igniting in twitter world between Miley Cyrus and Perez Hilton! Look at their tweet exchange last night (or this morning, Western time):

*read from bottom, to top*
Click image for a better view!

I don't want to take sides but I want to point out a couple of things:
1. Miley does like to twitter quotations everyday, and not just one, she sends a couple consecutively. It can get a little "preachy"/"fake" sometimes.
2. Perez, it's soooo common for teens to use quotations and song lyrics as status messages. I don't know why but we just like to. Give Miley a break.

It would be interesting to see these two fight. It's always amusing to see the claws come out in Hollywood. But because we're PK girls, and we like to keep peace everytime, let's just hope this very little "dispute" would remain as it is: a brewing catfight. Keep your claws to yourself little kitties!

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