Friday, August 21, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife showing now!

We've all waited for it for so long and it's finally here! Don't miss out on the screening okay?

As an avid fan of the book, I can't say I was satisfied with the film version (we never are satisfied with film versions anyway), but overall I think it's not bad. Just a little heads-up to fellow book lovers, there's a small revision in the ending which you might not like but try to see it from the point of view of those who haven't read it okay? I say the book is so much better but the movie did try its best to come to par.

Overall, I say, book or film, the Time Traveler's Wife is still one of the sweetest love stories ever told. So don't forget to schedule in a moviedate with your family or friends! You shouldn't miss out on this one! :)

Spoiler alert: butt exposure for both Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams!
PK rating: 4/5

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