Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Crunchy time!

I get the weirdest addictions. They last for a minimum of one week to years! I'm always addicted to something and this time, my newest addiction is one that also took me by surprise! Hello, Pinipig Crunch!

I have NEVER liked Pinipig ice cream even as a kid. Add to that the fact that it's chocolate which I'm not a very big fan of. But after weeks of visiting my Tita who always had a stash of Dan Eric's Pinipig Crunch, I am now hooked on that crunchy little treat!

Dan Eric's pinipig stick is one great find! Not only is it cheap, the chocolate coating doesn't fall off easily, unlike the common Pinipig. Incredible, really!

Since I'm in my "addiction" mode, I have kept a couple of Nestle's Pinipig Crunch in the fridge. It has more Pinipig in it but I think Dan Eric's tastes better (or maybe I'm just used to it). I also do not like that the chocolate coating falls off easily-- no make that, breaks easily. You won't even get the chance to pull it out the wrapper whole, it breaks off at once! I think it's also because the ice cream filling is too soft, it just can't hold the rectangular form.

I am yet to get hold of Korean Ice Cream. I know they also have a version of the Pinipig Crunch, I really want to know how it compares! Plus, I have this favorite Korean Ice Cream shaped like a fish which I think is wonderful so I'm excited to try their Pinipig version!

Since I'm now on the "hunt", let me add to that Nestle's Pistachio Crunch too! I know it's not Pinipig and Pistachio is a nut, but finding out that such ice cream stick exists makes me very, very excited! If you see one in groceries, please give me a heads-up okay? Will totally love you for it!

'Til my next addiction! :P

photocredit: sulit.com

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