Monday, September 14, 2009

On top of my ice cream

I am a big fan of texture in food. I love food that have layers and layers of textures in them. That's the reason why I like sundaes more than plain ice cream-- because the syrup gives it another dimension!

Well, I was reading the newspaper when I chanced upon Lucy Torres' column. She talked about her love for milk and its by-products. I am a big fan of milk too so I could totally relate! Well, one peculiarity I found out about Lucy is that she puts milk in her ice cream! Whut? Milk? Hmm... interesting! I just had to try it!

Lucy's recipe is to dissolve powdered Birch Tree in a small amount of water to make a "syrup", then drizzling it over the ice cream. I, of course, have a different take on it!

Here's my scoop of ice cream: (believe me, this is just for photo purposes. I ate MORE than that! much more!)

I took our favorite, Bear Brand powdered milk then generously sprinkled it on top! I didn't bother dissolving it in water like Lucy did because I like texture and powder adds texture!

Of course, my ice cream wouldn't be complete without some cheese! Yes, you read that right, cheese! It's our family's little "secret". We put grated cheese on our ice cream, regardless of what flavor it is! The salty + sweet combination is just divine!

So how did it taste? Honestly, very, very good! Putting powdered milk made the ice cream a notch creamier and fuller. The cheese on the other hand gave it spunk and brought it to life! It helps that I used Keso de Bola which is a tad saltier and has a little bit of bitterness in it. I can't really describe the taste but I can tell you what it feels like: being a six-year old again on the beach playing with a fluffy dog! Innocently divine!

I do have to admit that I won't be putting powdered milk on my ice cream every time I eat co'z it has the quality about it that over indulging will ruin the appeal. It's great for those days when you feel like cuddling in bed with a tub of ice cream. Hihi :P

How about you PK girls, do you have peculiar but incredibly tasty "secret" toppings for your ice creams?

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