I was so excited for two things: The Lovely Bones is one of my favorite books and like I said, it's my first premiere! Weeeeeh! (pardon my shallowness)
When we were all inside, the organizers welcomed us and then they had a mini raffle which turned into a roll call of winners co'z there were tons of items for grabs! (seriously, they were calling out numbers nonstop, no pauses, no nothing!) My good friend even got a free speaker! Unfortunately for me though, I didn't win :( Next time, next time!
Anyhooo... on to the movie!
As always, the movie didn't stay true to the book although I have to say it was very, very close! Maybe I'm just too fond of the book that I couldn't appreciate how it was translated to a movie. But it did resemble a number of things from the book which I really liked!
One of the best would be the choice of actress to play the lead, Susie Salmon. Saoirse did a brilliant job! She was so innocent in her acting that she stayed true to the character. There were parts in the movie that I was pleased that she was able to properly portray Susie's role as I have imagined.
The movie was really simple... but then, the book is too so there's not much to expect. It has however the potential to be great as it was whimsical and not overly done which makes for something that you'd want to watch over and over again.
As a whole, this first premiere night experience was a total blast for me! Free ticket, free food, satisfactory movie :)
Thank you so much D!

PK rating for the Lovely Bones: 7/10
For the premiere: 9/10 (just because I didn't win in the raffle. haha!)
I was also at the premiere! I also just blogged about it and I took photos of my ticket just like you did haha :D
ReplyDeleteOMG! you were?? saw your post and the pic was hilarious! the pic we had of the ticket was so similar! hahaha! :P
ReplyDeletesad we didn't see each other, it would have been a first! (at least for me... err, to meet a fellow blogger)
I love reading book but i just loathe buying them. I would rather buy clothes than books but whenever I got the chance to borrow, I do that as much as I can.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. Their not much to expect from a movie that is based from books. An hour or two is just not enough to sqeeze in all the details. Result? It's sometimes, frustrating or boring. Better read and let imagination play in the mind.