I am in this "cake-slash-dessert" addiction phase right now that I'd even give up a meal just so I could eat dessert already. lol! Well right now, all I can think of eating is Secret Recipe's cheesecakes, it's driving me insane! Yummmmmmy!
Here's one of my favorite:
I'm not a big fan of chocolate but this one is so light and perfect! The combination is sooooo good!
This next one is for the health buffs, it's their fiber (something) cheesecake which has no trans fat and is full of oats, and other good stuff!
Just looking at these cakes makes me want to walk--no, run to Secret Recipes right now! All their cheesecakes and cakes are so good I find myself drooling at the mere thought of 'em. In case you're wondering, my ultimate favorite is the caramel cheesecake which does not look too appealing but tastes incredibly amazing!
If you haven't tried Secret Recipes yet, then I suggest you make it first priority this weekend!
they look so mouthwatering! :D